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Fellows' Blog

Each year, a new cohort of disability rights professionals (Fellows) from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Ethiopia travels to the US to participate in a five-week Fellowship Program on inclusive civic engagement. Each Fellow writes a blog about their experiences during the Fellowship. US hosts have the option to travel to Fellows’ home countries for a two-week technical assistance trip, providing additional support. These Outbound Fellows also contribute a blog post about their experiences and the impact of their work abroad. We invite you to read about our Fellows, learn more, and consider getting involved with PFP.

Inclusion Of the Excluded


Country: Uganda

My name is Teopista Nannyanzi. I am a disability rights advocate working with the Pan African Network of People with Psychosocial Disabilities (PANPPD), an organization advocating for the rights of people with psychosocial disabilities across the African continent. I also offer technical support to organizations targeting mental health advocacy in my country, Uganda.


Empowering Ugandan Parents for Inclusive Education Advocacy with a Parent Advocacy Tool Kit (PARK)


Country: Uganda

In April 2023, Dr. Evan Borisinkoff, an associate professor at Minot State University (MSU), embarked as a US Outbound Fellow to Kampala, Uganda. The purpose was to provide technical assistance to his colleague, Priscilla Kisakye, in the development and piloting of a parent training program.


My Experience in Oklahoma


Country: Uganda

Nina Mago, a Spring 2023 Fellow, shares about her experience at the University of Oklahoma Health Science Centre


Reflections on My Disability Inclusion Journey and Visit to the USA


Country: Kenya

Sande Erick is a 2023 Fellow in the Professional Fellows Program on Inclusive Civic Engagement.


My Journey in Alaska: Its Beauty and Natural, Breathtaking Landscapes


Country: Tanzania

This long-awaited journey started on May 3, 2023 when I landed in Boston and received a warm welcome from Heike and Christa, our very own PFP team leads who have been very supportive and made sure this was a dream-come-true trip.


Embracing Inclusion and Empowerment: My Unforgettable Fellowship Experience



I have a lot to say about this Fellowship, because it is one of a kind and is full of people with high skills and understanding of issues related to the inclusion of people with disabilities in different fields. I was very comforted by the process of preparing for my trip and the welcoming I received on May 4, 2023 at the Boston airport.