Hosting Professional Fellows

Are you passionate about advancing disability-inclusive civic engagement globally? Do you enjoy sharing knowledge with professionals from other countries and engaging in cross-cultural dialogue? Apply to host a Fellow from Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda in the Professional Fellows Program on Inclusive Civic Engagement. Applications for hosting a Spring 2025 Fellow are due January 31, 2025. Go here to apply.

Learn more on this page about hosting a Fellow, the benefits of being a host, qualifications for hosting, host responsibilities, the application process, and more.

What is involved in hosting a Fellow?

We are seeking a limited number of US-based organizations to host an emerging African leader in disability-inclusive civic engagement for a four-week Fellowship.

Fellows are mid-career professionals, selected through a competitive process based on their passion and potential to drive change. We carefully match Fellows and hosts with aligned professional interests to ensure a meaningful exchange and the development of impactful follow-on projects.

When Fellows apply, they identify a key policy or practice issue related to disability and civic engagement in their countries. This issue becomes the focus of their individual Fellowship placement in the US and informs the Follow-on Project they implement upon returning home. During their US placement, Fellows develop an action plan for their follow-on project with input and guidance from their US host and colleagues.

Two individuals, a Black Ugandan woman and white American man, posing in a car park with a covered walkway in the background. On the walkways it says “EMPOWER – A campaign for Minot State University with the university’s logo next to it.

Fall 2022 Fellow Priscilla Kisakye from Uganda (left) with her US host, Associate Professor Dr. Evan Borisinkoff (right), posing outside on the campus of Minot State University in Minot, North Dakota. Photo by Richard Heit.

Fellows and hosts are matched based on project topic and hosts’ disability-inclusion expertise. Once matched, hosts create a Fellowship schedule in collaboration with their Fellows, incorporating various in-person activities. A template schedule, listing the types of activities Fellows should engage in, is provided to hosts, along with sample schedules.

At the end of the Fellowship, hosts can apply for an outbound experience to travel and be hosted by their Fellows in their countries.

What are the benefits of hosting a Fellow?

As a host, you gain access to valuable expertise, cross-cultural dialogue, and new collaborative opportunities. Benefits include:

  • International Expertise: Benefit from the Fellow’s valuable skills and expertise.
  • Team Development: Enhance the professional capacity of your employees who serve as mentors and supervisors.
  • Showcasing Your Impact: Promote your institutional expertise on the international stage, extending your influence. 
  • Partnerships: Explore new opportunities for future collaborations with professionals from different countries. 
  • Diversity: Engage in cross-cultural dialogue and knowledge exchange, fostering mutual understanding. 
  • Driving Global Change: Influence disability-inclusive civic engagement on a global scale, making a lasting impact. 
  • Outbound Exchange Opportunity: Apply for a funded trip to your Fellow’s home country as an Outbound Exchange Fellow. 

Learn more about these host benefits in the poster "Promoting Disability Inclusion in East Africa through Professional International Exchange: Impact and Opportunities for the AUCD Network."

Will hosts have the opportunity to travel to their Fellows’ countries?

We will select approximately five hosts for a two-week Outbound Exchange to their Fellows’ countries following the completion of the US-based Fellowship. During this exchange, hosts will provide additional training, mentoring, and technical assistance to their Fellows. Participation in the outbound exchange is optional, and interested hosts can apply. The selection for this opportunity is competitive and based on the merits of the application.

Gain insights from past hosts’ outbound experiences in the poster: "Mentoring East African Disability Advocates: Our Experiences in Uganda, Tanzania, and Ethiopia."

Two individuals, a white American man and a Black Ugandan man posing together in a hallway

Spring 2023 Fellow Rashid Kalule from Uganda (left) with his US host Steven Aalto (right). Mr. Aalto is the Vice President of Employment Services at Work Inc. in Dorchester, Massachusetts.

Who can be a host?

We are seeking exceptional US-based organizations — universities, disability organizations, civic organizations, non-profit organizations, and government agencies — with expertise in disability inclusion. These organizations should be enthusiastic about hosting an emerging leader from East Africa for a transformative exchange experience.

What are the host responsibilities?

As a host, you play a crucial role in shaping the Fellow’s exchange experience. Your responsibilities include:

  • Mentorship: Designate a staff member as a mentor to guide the Fellow throughout their Fellowship journey. 
  • Learning Environment: Provide in-person supervision, training, and valuable work experiences that enhance the Fellow’s knowledge of inclusive civic engagement. 
  • Follow-On Project: Guide the Fellow in developing an action plan for a follow-on project, incorporating their Fellowship experiences.  
  • Community Engagement: Organize a one-hour volunteer or community service activity to strengthen the Fellow’s connection with the local community. 
  • Workspace & Assistance: Provide a dedicated workspace for the four-week experience and assist in organizing suitable housing for the Fellow. 
  • Cultural Immersion: Provide opportunities for the Fellow to experience US society and culture. 

How can I apply to be a host?

It's easy. Use the "Apply Now" button below to express your interest in hosting a Spring 2025 (May/June 2025) Fellow. Applications are due January 31, 2025.

Apply Now!

If you are interested in hosting and would like to learn more, please email us at [email protected]